Health fund members who have “extras cover” pay a substantial amount each year for cover. As a result, they are entitled to an annual health fund contribution towards new spectacles and or contact lenses.
While some funds do allow accumulation of the allowance over a two-year period, in most cases any entitlements which are not utilised during the year expire. The vast majority of funds work on a calendar year meaning that any funds are not utilised by 31 December are lost.
If a members anticipate having to update their spectacles or contact lenses and they have not used their current allocation, it makes sense to do this before the expiry date. Similarly, anyone wishing to have a backup pair of spectacles or prescription sunglasses is well advised to do the same.
In situations where patients require both contact lenses and spectacles or additional pairs spectacles, it is wise to plan the timing so that the entitlements can be maximised.
The vast majority of funds work on a calendar year meaning that any funds are not utilised by 31 December are lost.
It is also beneficial, where possible, to use the current entitlements to allow for unforeseen events in the subsequent year.
Occasionally, a patient may request that we “backdate” the purchase to take advantage of the previous year’s allocation or assign a purchase to another family member. This is contrary to health fund regulations and as a result cannot be done under any circumstances.
As we approach the end of the calendar year, it makes sense to consider what prescription optical appliances may be needed in the foreseeable future and plan accordingly.